I went to see Dr Foot yesterday to follow up from that super fun staph infection I had last week. I’ve been following his instructions religiously and haven’t had any pain on either foot for the last few days. I’ve done some walking and stationary bike at home since I’ve been feeling better, but I didn’t want to run until I got the okay from him. He said both feet were looking much better, but because of scar tissue he couldn’t be certain that either of the two remaining warts were completely gone, so he wants me to come back again in two weeks. When I asked about running he said it should be fine as as I didn’t feel pain in the infected area. I actually made him swear on it because I’m so wary of messing with this, but he gave me a very detailed explanation of how the Beetlejuice/blister fest created the perfect environment for an infection. It was hella gross but also reassuring as to why this shouldn’t happen again.
Last night and this morning I was still debating whether I’d actually give it a try today. My feet and back are both feeling fine, but I have a bad cold, and feel kind of sluggish and achy. I decided to just go for it, mostly because today looks like the best running weather in this week’s forecast, and I didn’t want to psych myself out any further since I’m already such a headcase about this whole thing. Happy to say, I was only planning to do three miles and I ended up doing six. My pace was pretty terrible but nothing hurt, and I really managed to tap into my love of running. I have all my fingers and toes crossed that this whole dumb saga is coming to an end.