As I have said before, one of the things I like most about baking is that it happens for a reason. Usually a fun, social, celebratory reason. Or sometimes it's because I like cookies. And…
Tag: zebra cake
All train, no station
Who laughs when atheists make plans? Is it the one hand clapping guy? I hope he's laughing his hand off right now because I am registered for two marathons this spring, and I won't be…
Baker’s dozen
I may have mentioned it was my birthday last week, and unlike normal adults some people, I like a big fuss on my birthday. I did a lot of socializing and celebrating and baking over…
With some luck and love life’s gonna be so sweet
I was making a bunch of desserts recently, and I wondered why it is that I hate to cook but love to bake, when it's just as much work, if not more. I didn't wonder…
Technically, this isn’t baking

One of my only most fond memories of my stepmother is the zebra cake she made for every birthday. They were an annual treat for me growing up, but I've never encountered them anywhere else.…