Took me a while to get to this, but here are my favorites that I read last year.
Super top favorites:
All Grown Up. My absolute favorite of the year. The only book I actually bought a copy of, mostly because she was here on my birthday and you can’t ask someone to autograph a library book.

Jillian. This one has an easy litmus test. Do you think someone saying she wants to hysterectomize herself and throw her uterus against the wall is funny? I do too and that’s why I loved this.
The World of Tomorrow. God I loved this one. Perfect story and features an Irish man named Martin living in Brooklyn in the 1930’s so my love for it was grandfathered in.
Pachinko. Absolute perfection. Exactly what you want in sprawling historical fiction. Even the most minor characters pack an emotional punch.
The Arrangement. For sure one of the funniest books I read all year. I love her writing, and she really gets married life.
Honorable mentions:
Loner. What’s toxic masculinity, you ask? Loner answers.
Stay With Me. I read more than a hundred books a year, and this one is aptly titled. It will stay with me forever.
Lincoln in the Bardo. Definitely deserved the hype. One of the most inventive books I’ve ever read.
Anything Is Possible. I will read everything Elizabeth Strout ever writes until the end of time.
The Locals. I love Jonathan Dee, and I love this Jonathan Dee best of all.
Best short story collections:
Best oldies that I read this year:
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
Awesome book I read in 2017 that comes out in 2018:
The Summer I Met Jack. #michellegablesuperfan
I don’t like to be too negative, so I won’t tag these, but my most hated book of 2017 was My Absolute Darling. And I take great comfort in the knowledge that I will never ever read another book by Andy Weir, Ernest Cline, or Jonathan Franzen. Sorry not sorry, guys!