The Last Girls. 3 stars. Perfectly good concept, fair execution. Could have been much better. Should have been, actually. Homegoing. 5 stars. Excellent, perfect book. Definitely in my top ten for the year. The Handmaid's…
A case of mistaken identity
Even though we still have a month left in this, um, delightful year, I'm pretty certain that Commonwealth will land on the very top of my best books list. I was blown away by how…
2:06 in the 206
The Seattle half is my favorite race, no question. So even though I had a monumentally busy week with the holiday and Dash's birthday, there was no way I was skipping it. My running kind…
Halfway between Cakewrecks and Pinterest

My little turkey turned six years old on Thanksgiving this year. A friend hosted a feast and it was fantastic. The collaborative menu was definitely the way to go; it felt like everyone made things…
The week in review
Oh boy, I am in a slump. The good news is that when I'm not liking something, I tend to finish it pretty quickly so I can move on to something better. So here come…
18 years and still unspoiled
I've been hearing for a while that Harry Potter is pretty good. I've missed out on it for all these years, mostly because it hit at the wrong time for me. I was too old…
Lucy loves: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

They are really funny. I like to read them over and over again. He acts like his life is really boring but then all this funny stuff keeps happening. He's always trying to be more…
The week in review
I was all over the place this week. I had started Shelter but then put it down to get to things that were due back sooner. Then I started reading Jane Steele, and while I…
Smell the vanilla, throw the salt

I don't always get involved in our school functions, but when I do, it's the bake sale. I really had to rein it in when Lucy told me her class was planning a bake sale;…
Which one do you see?

All Is Not Forgotten is an extremely problematic "thriller" about a teenage girl and her family dealing with the aftermath of a brutal assault at a party. Sadly, this isn't the more desirable "boy she…