I did a lot of eating my feelings in Portland this weekend, and I have the Seattle half coming up soon, so I needed to get a good long run in yesterday. I'm usually pretty…
The Week In Review
Looks like I picked the right week to finish The Handmaid's Tale. I don't know how much more there is to say about it. I didn't love it, don't like her writing at all, but…
See, I’ve already waited too long…

It's been six years since A Visit from the Goon Squad and I still keep hoping for news of a new Jennifer Egan novel. It's kind of a coincidence that I happened to have read…
Lather, rinse, repeat
Lately, this is me every time I go for a run. Before: Just go, enjoy, don't even worry about your pace, just do what feels comfortable, this is for fun anyway. During: This is great…
It may not be great but read it anyway
Oh how I wish I could go back in time right now and make my 14 year old self write a book report on The Handmaid's Tale. I remember that I got it as a…
The week in review
Finishing what I started last week, The Girl in the Red Coat quickly lost steam after an okay start. I trudged through it because it was fairly short, and I really hate not finishing something,…
Dash recommends: Spoon

I really like it. I like when first Spoon's friends have all the good things, and then Spoon has all the good things. Then Spoon has sweet dreams because he dreams of all these things…
All I know is what’s in the tap water

I'm not sure I can think of anything more utterly delightful than We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves. Definitely one of my favorites of the last ten years, maybe ever. This is funny and touching…
Quick takes- October 2016
This Must Be the Place. 5 stars. Great characters, great stories, perfect novel. Recommended to: everyone. Girls on Fire. 2 stars. Badly done, overly dramatic, adolescent in a bad way. Miller's Valley. 4 stars. Anna…
Technically, this isn’t baking

One of my only most fond memories of my stepmother is the zebra cake she made for every birthday. They were an annual treat for me growing up, but I've never encountered them anywhere else.…