After Birth by Elisa Albert is one of my favorite books that I've read in the last few years, and is typically the first thing I suggest when people ask me for recommendations. I was…
So, that’s how I go

Does anyone else remember that witch's eye scene in Big Fish, where if you look at it, you see how you're going to die? And the one kid just looks at it and calmly says…
Two warts, nine toenails
I've been in a little bit of a running slump lately. Still running very regularly, but I feel like I'm slower and have less stamina out there. Plus I've been tormented by a plantar wart…
This week in review
I got a lot of reading time in this week. Finished up three quick ones and then started in on a long one. First up, I finished Textbook by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. I'm still not…
I go through two or three books a week, so I don't always remember everything I read, even if I enjoyed it in the moment. One book I will never forget is Jill McCorkle's first…