Oh, this week. I'll just say I'm glad this blog is mostly about books because The Other Stuff is kind of out to get me this week. But I got some decent reading in, so…
Gimme shelter
One of the perks of having been a precocious reader was getting book recs from my mom at an early age. I can thank my mother for introducing me to Anne Tyler, John Irving, Toni…
Do you even run, bro?
I'm someone who loves routine, so, as lovely as the holidays were, I was pretty excited once school started up again. My running kind of took a nosedive in 2016 (an otherwise stellar year) and…
The week in review
Been a challenging seven days. My kids have been sick most of this week and I'm going a little stir crazy. Also, something else happened today, right? Oh how I wish it was as unreal…
I sure hope these plans aren’t thwarted
I had some grand ambitions way back in April of 2016, when I registered for the Tunnel Light Marathon. This is known to be a pretty fast course, so I figured it was my best…
Oh, Snape…
We finished up the Harry Potter books, then watched the last two movies this weekend, and Oh! My! God! Why didn't anyone ever mention how good this is? We had to discover it for ourselves,…
The week in review
Kids being back in school + my feet being worse than ever = lots of time to read. Silver linings. Behold the Dreamers completely lived up to the hype. This is a very layered, nuanced…
You don’t get it when there’s nothing to get
I was 21 when I first read Nude Men, and it became an instant favorite. I was curious and mildly apprehensive about revisiting it. For one thing, I've never liked a single thing Amanda Filipacchi…
I’m so glad they invented the word muffin so we can eat cake for lunch

It's January and I am just over everything. First of all, it's not Christmas, but it's still cold. Like what is that even about? I'm over cold weather after about five minutes so that one…
You know who you are
A week after finishing Truth and Beauty, I'm still mulling it over. Something about this book really brought me down; I mean, other than the fact that it's a really depressing memoir about someone plagued…