My sincerest apologies to anyone who already knows this, but it turns out that being in near-constant pain is actually pretty terrible. This may be the worst and dumbest revelation I've ever had. I don't…
The week in review
Another busy week, with New Year's and a sneak trip to Great Wolf Lodge, but my kids finally went back to school yesterday (yay!) and I always read faster when I'm not liking something (boo!)…
My top ten (and then some) for 2016
Commonwealth Perv-A Love Story The Girls This Must Be the Place Homegoing The Unseen World My Name Is Lucy Barton Siracusa The Nest The House We Grew Up In Two that I reread after many…
Things the 68 year old Dolores says in Perv that sound like something I would say right now
(From Perv-A Love Story) How do you young people say it? They 'light your fire'? I should be shocked but, accch... you kids today! All you kids are comedians now. Well I got news for…
You say you want a resolution…
I don't usually do this, but since 2016 was such a rough one, I'm going to, like, resolve or something. I feel like I spent a lot of time this year feeling sorry for myself…
The week in review
Been a very busy week, with the holiday and the kids home and family visiting, so while I did manage to do a fair amount of running, baking, and the other stuff, it was kind…
Expelled from Hogwarts
I think I may have mentioned once or twice that these damn plantar warts have been plaguing me all year long now. The one on my right foot showed up in January and the one…
The particular sadness of Warriors cake

Tuesday morning, five days before Christmas, about five million things on my to-do list. (Or maybe it was 52 million.) I was in total mom martyr mode, my stupid warts were hurting me so much,…
The week in review
This was a rough week on a personal level but a pretty decent one book-wise, and that's what really matters, right? I finished My Name Is Lucy Barton very quickly and it was killer. I…
It’s not me, it’s You
I've been reading and hating so many thrillers lately, and I ask myself why I keep going back when I just don't seem to like them. Maybe the problem is You. (LOOK HOW CLEVER I…