As I have said before, one of the things I like most about baking is that it happens for a reason. Usually a fun, social, celebratory reason. Or sometimes it's because I like cookies. And…
Category: Bake
This one goes to eleven
Fall of 2016, when we were immersed in the series, the kids asked a babysitter if she'd ever read Harry Potter. She told them she grew up on it, and then she said, "I was…
Short and sweet like PB
I had to got to do a lot of mothering this Mother's Day weekend. So much, that I did no running and barely any reading. I did make a killer dessert though, and while this…
Baker’s dozen
I may have mentioned it was my birthday last week, and unlike normal adults some people, I like a big fuss on my birthday. I did a lot of socializing and celebrating and baking over…
My favorite origin story
I don't have to have a reason to bake a cake, but today I have a really good one. We are celebrating TEN YEARS of Lucy today! Maybe I'm supposed to say I can't believe…
With some luck and love life’s gonna be so sweet
I was making a bunch of desserts recently, and I wondered why it is that I hate to cook but love to bake, when it's just as much work, if not more. I didn't wonder…
I’m so glad they invented the word muffin so we can eat cake for lunch

It's January and I am just over everything. First of all, it's not Christmas, but it's still cold. Like what is that even about? I'm over cold weather after about five minutes so that one…
The particular sadness of Warriors cake

Tuesday morning, five days before Christmas, about five million things on my to-do list. (Or maybe it was 52 million.) I was in total mom martyr mode, my stupid warts were hurting me so much,…
It’s the most @#$%! time of the year

I think I made it to the summit of my annual Christmas frenzy nervous breakdown and am making my way back down to earth. Every year I tend to go a little overboard, and make…
Halfway between Cakewrecks and Pinterest

My little turkey turned six years old on Thanksgiving this year. A friend hosted a feast and it was fantastic. The collaborative menu was definitely the way to go; it felt like everyone made things…